Wednesday, 11 January 2012

First things first

For Christmas I got an off ice spin trainer. I wanted one for so long, so badly, even though all the reviews online weren't saying great things, but for some reason the thing with me and reviews online is that, I'm the complete opposite, always. When I came to buying my phone people where saying great things about it and it turns out, that all I can use it for is a paper weight (and a cracked one at that). From this you should have probably gathered that the spin trainer has been working wonders for me. I admit, yes, I fly of it most of the time but when I get the spin down I can feel where I've been going wrong and looking at videos of me from before Christmas, I can notice a huge difference, for example, I am so much lower on my sit spin and I can also do a broken leg spin, not quite as awesome as Elizaveta Tuktamysheva's, but come one, she's a thirteen year old prodigy. But all these new spins I can do doesn't mean anything unless I can do them on the ice too. If I can, all the girls at the rink will be surprised. They better watch out because they might have some unexpected competition on their hands (though it's competition we still love each other). 
Also I have to be tracking my fitness and flexibility. Sadly I was showing off at a party recently. We had been dancing in a circle and being at a party, with all my peers naturally I show off. I can do over splits really well on one leg, but the other it's like such a struggle. Silly me forgets this at a party. Bang I go straight down on the not so developed legs. The crowd goes wild. I smile as if I’m ok but I have badly pulled a muscle. It was shaking when I was just sitting down the next day, luckily for me it was a Saturday and I wasn’t going anywhere. This happened on December 17th 2011. And until today January 11th 2012 I find it extremely painful to get into my normal splits or even train my spiral off ice. To all you young skaters out there I am warning you, know your physical limit. Luckily I wasn't skating the next day or for a few weeks potentially a month later. Never the less I am way out of shape and out of practice. Being subject to school life and stressful exams as well I haven’t had time to work out, take care of myself and stretch every morning as I would usually do so I will mark where I am in terms of fitness from Friday 13th of January 2012, and keep you updated every 13th. Looks likes I am in for some very unlucky days this year. Pray for me my graceful skaters.


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