I've always known that figure skating is an expensive sport, but somethings just take the biscuit!
I've been off ice for a while and as the weeks are slowly arriving where I have to start training again, and I am all out of clothes to train in. immediately I remember the gorgeously decorated leggings one of my skating sisters wore last year. They looked like ordinary Lycra leggings and had silver, studded diamonties going along one side. She had mentioned at the time, they where expensive, but expensive leggings to me is around £30 max. So I was in complete shock and horror when my eyes scrolled across a website page, selling figure skating training kit and saw £50!
So there it is. The reason I gave up ice skating.
I'm completely kidding. I haven't given up. I'll just hit up Primark and buy four pairs (it still doesn't even scratch the surface of that price). However,there is something I need answered. Why? Why are those extortionate merchants selling me leggings double their actual price? I love ice skating but if I don't get a job really soon, I doubt I'll be able to afford it for much longer.
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