You know how the last entry states I have new skates on the way, well they where too small. Over a week ago, I finally sent them back and no, no they still haven't arrived! By the way the skates I got are the risport rf4, another girl at the rink has the same ones. I really like that they are non conformist, with there futuristic silver heel, instead of a wooden or black one. I really didn't know if I wanted them at first but after reading the reviews, they apply to my level, I'm already doing my jumps and waltz, salchow and toe loop and I've notice my boots trying to pull away from the heel, I recon if I continue they will look like I gave my skate a mouth and a pair of lips to match however i noticed the boots I have just don't wont to cooperate with me any more, it may because I haven't sharpened my blade for over six months and they've become rusty from not putting my soakers on or that the toe pick is basically non existent but honestly i think these boots have taken me as far as they can. I'm not extremely proud of myself because I still need to work on my confidence on the ice and all the other elements but after this Thursday, where I may have lied to school telling them I had a university interview to just go ice skating (probably the naughtiest thing I've ever done), when in actual fact, I went ice skating. so much improving has been done; backwards cross rolls, check. upright spin (at least six rotations) going into a scratch spin, check. backwards teapot, or how close but not quite yet. backwards drag, check. now needing to master kerrigan spiral, Mohawk, lutzs, loop and flip, table top and sit spin, have a successful backwards tea pot and I do want to do a camel spin more that two rotations, please god just give me more than two rotations. well that's it I reckon on my rant, but really this post is really about my admiration for Mao Asada, in my eyes the greatest women's figure skater in competition. I love Yuna, I just don't see why Mao keeps coming second hand to her. my condolences go out to her and her family after the loss of her mother in December 2011, but to come back and just compete with so much fire and drive to win after something so unimaginably devastating ( honestly not a good enough word) is unbelievable, I couldn't put myself in her shoes and do what she did, she is amazing and my skating hero. I will one day be as amazing as her. i was going to do an essay but I'll save that until i can really focus solely on her. be stand by and waiting. promise I'll post some of my own skating soon, but don't hold your breath nothing more than singles and flimsy spirals ( only the best ). hopefully when we next speak I'll have some gorgeous new skates.
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